Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Diabolical Third on the First?!

What hath mine eyes told me?  Doth they deceive?  This overcast, dreary Sunday morning, I just saw a post on Joystiq showing a promo poster of Diablo 3 in a Best Buy with a counter that ticks down to......hold it......February 1st.  Whoaseph.  I knew that Blizzard said early 2012, but for some reason or maybe due to the track record of Blizzard, I was thinking that meant November.  Now, either this news is actually legitimate or some Best Buy sap just got a metaphoric back hand to the face by being shown the front door.  There have been several updates to the post on Joystiq reporting the UK to be doing the same poster for February 3rd.  The picture was taken and uploaded by user "sasquatchxing" on the ShackNews forums. Regardless if anything is relevant, this news is excitingly striking my heart-strings.

I went ahead a month or two ago and pre-ordered the Collector's Edition from Gamestop.  For not that much more, the extra content justified the purchase for me.  I am a huge geek when it comes to soundtracks.  I always had an admiration for scores and love to dissect and listen to them in their entirety.  (Currently received the Skyrim 4-disc set and thoroughly enjoying it.)  I am also a sucker for art books (which Blizzard's are highly exalted) and the Diablo skull looks like a nifty little paper weight that I can possibly turn into a necklace and get my ass kicked on the streets.  Be sure to check out all of the contents here.

Did I mention I'll be playing on my Mac?  Something Blizzard consistently does right is add support for Windows and OSX right out of the box.  By jove, what a concept!  Gee, I wonder who else could learn something from them?  Many think there are few of us, but we Mac players do indeed exist, so thank you Blizzard.

What's your speculation?  You think it really could be February 1st?  What class will you be rolling first?  Female Demon Hunter for me.  Chicks with guns who kick all sorts of ass and have badittude, I am there yesterday.  All I know is I can't wait for this game!  Let us know in the comments!