Thursday, June 30, 2011


While preparing to watch the latest in the Transformers franchise, I (Chris) have been re-watching the first and second Transformers movies and have realized how little time is being spent on the actual story line. The amount of actual meaningful dialogue - to explosion ratio is laughable in retrospect

That being said, I am actually expecting the same when I walk into the Alamo Draft House tomorrow evening. But, of all things to hate, I'm not going to hold that against the movie at all. This is the entertainment I am paying for. I want to see 5 billion colors overloading my optical nerve and all of my other senses. I want to see more robot fodder than the grains of sand I have seen in my life. I want to see unreal scenes of action, survivability and limits of the human body. This is why I pay (too much) money to see this genre of movies in the theater.

When debating which format I was going to see "Dark of the Moon"(DLP or 3D), I did a bit of research (combing the bowels of the internet) on this very subject and found this very interesting letter from Paramount Pictures/Michael Bay, addressed to the projectionist of each theater showing the movie.

This has encouraged me to give 3D another chance, since we have already dogged the 3D movies in our X-Men: First Class Review . I am very interested to see improvements in the 3D movie realm as I find the concept fascinating, but the execution so far to be pretty annoying after the initial "wow factor" wears off (10 minutes in).

I do know that Michael Bay has been highly influenced by another director that has avidly pushed the 3D experience in movies, James Cameron (Avatar). Here is a very interesting conversation about the use of 3D in movie from pre-poduction, on into post-production. (technical film nerd info alert)

Michael Bay & James Cameron Talk 3D (Extended) from Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

I loved to hear Michael Bay explain how he really wanted to fine tune the 3D experience in a way that was natural for the scene, using both film and digital shots to create the best end result.

So I look forward to another Michael Bay movie that will wow me with visuals and leave me hanging in the lore department.

I'm really keeping my hopes low for "Dark of the Moon" so that I might be surprised in the end... - Chris

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

CRUNCHPOP - Episode 2 - Green Lantern Movie Review

In this episode, Crunchpop travels to Oa, to see just how DC's Green Lantern stacks up to this summer's current blockbusters. Check out the final verdict!

Do you guys agree? 

----> X-men: First Class Review

Also check out our ongoing overview of some great games coming out in the not so distant future. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Best Upcoming Games of 2011 (Xbox 360, XBLA, PS3, PC) - Part 2

Continuing the slew and onslaught of the "Upcoming Games of 2011", here's part two.  There are some dandy games on the horizon and funny thing is, below are mostly downloadable multi-platform titles!  Are we seeing a trend in the gaming industry?  That aside, I CANNOT WAIT!


From Dust - XBLA, PSN, PC
Genre: Simulation (God game)
Developer: Ubisoft
Release: July 27

This game looks so impressive. You have to check out the trailer to really get what I mean. It's a God simulation where you have different tools to build a world "from dust." Use lava to bubble where you move the cursor, watching it cool to form land. Use dirt to provoke vegetation and watch as water takes over, making it's own tributaries and rivers. Awesome? Yes. Dynamic? You bet. I am not sure how the rest of the gameplay will be besides creating, but you seem to have influence over the people that populate your world. Reminds me of Peter Molyneux's Black & White. This looks really interesting and can't wait to see it unfold. Another stellar arcade download coming to us!

Dead Island - 360, PS3, PC
Genre: First Person Action
Publisher: Deep Silver
Developer: Techland (Poland)
Release: September 6

So when I first saw this trailer, I had to hold back tears. I don't think a game trailer has ever done that. I mean, I've cried almost from being so pissed off at a game, but this is different. It's gotta be the little girl. Talk about a shizznitty vacation. Anyway, the game looks to offer some intriguing features to first-person melee and include some role-playing elements with open mission structure. Plus, it's 4-player co-op. That's always welcomed. Make sure you take a look at the trailer and note the beautiful particle and blood effects running rampant throughout. It's zombies with dismemberment, decapitations and the like. Not for the squeamish. The game has my interest and I am curious to see it shape up or ship out.

Gears of War 3 - 360
Genre: Third-Person Shooter
Publisher: Microsoft
Developer: Epic Games
Release: September 20

Until recently, I have had a late arrival to the Gears franchise. I picked up the combo pack a couple of months ago, beat Gears 1 but still haven’t gotten around to playing through Gears 2. I did get into the Gears 3 Multiplayer Beta via Bulletstorm and thoroughly enjoyed myself. As the story goes, this is the final countdown to the fate of Marcus and his team. Having not played Gears 2 yet, I’m not too sure where the status of the struggle lies, but I am pretty excited to see the bond the team has during this campaign. From the footage I have seen, their dynamic looks more fleshed out (which I am sure to get filled in when playing Gears 2). However, this time around, the team looks well seasoned and the story will be tying up loose ends which I am already looking forward to. New guns, the mech suit, gameplay tweaks, enhanced graphics, Horde Mode 2.0 and the most robust multiplayer experience looks to ensure a ride of epic proportions in Gears 3.

Trine 2 - XBLA, PSN, PC
Genre: Action / Platform / Puzzle
Publisher: Atlus
Developer: Frostbyte
Release: Q3 2011(September 30 rumored)

Whoaseph. Holy cacao! Remember how I mentioned that I was a sucker for every kind of fantastical art? This game has been in my sights ever since I saw the first trailer. Trine 2 looks absolutely gorgeous. In fact, it could be the most beautiful Xbox Live Arcade game I have ever set eyes on. This trailer forced me to buy Trine 1 through Steam. (Which by the way, is available for Mac for all of you Apple users like myself.) I figured I should get acquainted to know what to look for in Trine 2. From what I have played thus far, I love! Trine 2 looks to expand on the gameplay elements from it's predecessor, returning with the same thief / wizard / warrior characters and garnishing their puzzle- solving dynamics with new abilities. Challenges look to be more creative this time around. If it's anything like the first and being improved upon, I am going to be one happy camper.

FireburstXBLA, PSN, PC
Genre: Racing Action
Publisher: Zoo Games
Developer: ExDream
Release: Summer 2011

Did anybody play Vigilante 8 or Twisted Metal? How about Blur? I really loved Blur. What a kick ass game. This looks to fall into that vein of destructive vehicular combat, all whilst screaming down a track, trying to keep from blowing up. The arcade racer features an oddball cast each with specific cars and abilities. Cars are divided into four different classes including buggys, trucks, offroaders and muscle cars. Each of these cars offer a distinct Fireboost ability like Fireblast, which you can use to annihilate opponents. Firewheels is another nifty trade that gives your screeching tires flame tracks that damage anyone tailing your blazing path. Graphically, the game looks pretty amazing, especially considering it's a downloadable game. Tracks look dynamic, cars look detailed and the particle / fire effects look radical. Another hot contender in this array upcoming games.

Dangit.  How the crap to keep up with so many titles?  Guess I can't complain.  Would rather have too many good games to play than not enough!  I'm currently working on part 3 of "Best Upcoming Games of 2011" which starts the beginning of the giant franchises.  Let me know if there are any games you want reviewed, previewed or discussed!

Even bigger games coming, so stay tuned and thanks for reading! ~ Joshua

By the way, here are the games that I'm currently playing through:

  • Dungeon Siege III - Xbox 360
  • L.A. Noire - Xbox 360
  • Trine- Mac
  • Mortal Kombat - Xbox 360
  • Gears 2 - Xbox 360

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

WHO OK'd THIS? Episode 1

This week we are going to start a small series of videos showcasing the silliest of vintage comics cheese. We are calling the series "WHO OK'd THIS" since there were obviously some cheese filled suits "ok'ing" these plot lines.

This week we are going to check out some frames from Action Comics #311 and we hope you will laugh with us!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Best Upcoming Games of 2011 - (Xbox 360, XBLA PS3, PC) Part 1

It’s absurd the amount of amazing games at the forefront of our fingertips.  Just when I thought last year was an awesome year for gaming, looks like this one may just top it.  Wait until Fall, it's brutal.  Check out the first batch of the "Best Upcoming Games of 2011" below:

Warning: Shadows of the Damned and Deus Ex trailers not intended for youngsters.

Dungeon Siege 3  360, PS3, PC
Genre: Action RPG
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Obsidian
Release: June 21 (Out Today)

For good graciousness, Blizzard, pull the trigger on Diablo 3 already so I don’t have to find a dungeon crawler that will never add up to it!  While we wait for infinity to come, I recently played the demo of Dungeon Siege 3 on xbox 360, to satisfy my loot, kill, repeat urges.  This game is out today and I am planning on hitting the books with it.  I have been hankering to slay endless hordes of all-things-evil to get some new piece of stat molested armor. What is it about leveling up that is so addicting?!  Anyways, when I took the demo online for a spin with a buddy, I must say, I had fun.  The art does seem a tad generic and selecting enemies was spotty, but overall I am pretty excited to see if this can deliver a fix until Diablo 3.  I do at least think the characters are nifty and the graphics, pretty for the genre.  I liked the dash of Mass Effect-esque dialogue options, the inventory system was...manageable and the talent trees look fun to tool around with.  Whether or not the end product will be polished enough is the question.  Let’s see what you can do Obsidian. Gulp. <--(For those who know Obsidian.)


Shadows of the Damned  360, PS3
Genre: Third-Person Action
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Grasshopper Manufacture
Release: June 21 (Out Today)

It’s Shake’n’Bake, and I helped?!  Talk about random, over-the-top crazy gaming.  When I first saw Shadows of the Damned, I said sneeringly under a crimson sun: “TARANTINO & RODRIGUEZ”.  Yes, this has you going to Hell to save your girlfriend, but this time you aren’t Dante.  Instead, you are who semi-appears to be John Stamos, or the likes of him, looking to unleash unholy havoc to get your woman back.  But you can’t go to the gates of Hell unsuited and outwitted.  First, you need a torch.  Make that a torch with a flaming skull who speaks to you in an English accent, morphing into new weapons at your whim, all whilst making crass jokes.  Sound ridiculous enough?  Add buckets of bizarre creatures, funky encounters and gobs of gore.  Bingo.  Suda 51 (No More Heroes) and Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil) team up to bring you this mesh of mayhem.  Really not my cup of tea.  It's a bit too bonkers and crude for me, but this level of zanyness will definitely appeal to the hardcore.


Bastion   XBLA, PC
Genre: Action RPG
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
Developer: Supergiant Games
Release: July 20

I am a complete sucker for fantasy art and this game has done nothing but make me drool.  I am captivated by it’s purdyness.  Bastion is an Action RPG that brings some cool ideas to the table.  One of those being a narrator that carries you through, voicing what is being penned as you play.  Take a look at the trailer and see what I am talking about.  I am digging these quality XBLA games!


Max Payne 3   360, PS3, PC
Genre: Third-Person Shooter
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Developer: Rockstar Vancouver
Release: August 1

Max Payne 3 has had delays along with the silent treatment from Rockstar.  Originally, it was suppose to see the light of day the winter of 2009, then pushed back again. It's now 2011, but don’t lose faith.  Pictures have been surfacing and it’s looking pretty promising.  At least promising that it still exists.  Maybe they had to scrap parts so they could use the same tech that's in L.A. Noire, who knows?  If that is the case, I’d be super excited!  Max Payne has always had a noir flair to it.  Judging by the pictures, it looks to be very gritty and dark.  Here's hoping to it being good.  Definitely back on the radar!


Deus Ex: Human Revolution  360, PS3, PC
Genre: First Person Shooter/RPG
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Eidos Montreal
Release: August 23

The first Deus Ex: Brilliant.  Highly acclaimed for it’s open-ended form (for it's time especially) and engaging story, Deus Ex: Human Revolution looks to adopt conceptually and outdo it’s predecessor.  From what E3 footage I have seen recently, I am getting more amped for it’s release.  It’s actually a prequel, putting you in the shoes of Adam Jensen, a security official for Sariff Industries.  The world is torn between trans-human augmentation and after a tiff, your injuries give you no other choice but to incorporate them so you can live.  The story looks very engaging and the gameplay seems spectacular.  Players really get a ton of customization not only in abilities, powers and the like, but also in approaching how you play.  Stealth it up, snapping necks like no one knows you’re there, or say “Screw that, chew on these guns blazing!”  Plus, how can you not like the melange stylings of The Matrix-meets-Blade Runner-meets-Terminator-meets-Bicentennial Man?  (Just kidding on that last one.)
There are so many rad games coming out, that I am going to divide this "Best Upcoming Games of 2011" list up into multiple parts.  Let me know if there are any games you want reviewed, previewed or discussed and be looking for the next parts to this madness soon! ~ Joshua

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Movie Round-Up

Movies that are on our radar... or not.

X-Men: First Class 
June 3, 2011

Josh and I have already done a pretty in-depth review about the latest iteration of the X-Men chronicles. You can watch that (Video Spoiler Alert) HERE! Please Subscribe to our Youtube Channel (Click the Subscribe button on the right side of the page!)

Super 8
June 10, 2011

You may love it, you may hate it. But if this movie is like anything else good ol' J.J. Abrams has done recently, you'll probably be disappointed somehow. (i.e. Lost) 

Green Lantern
June 17, 2011

I greatly anticipate this movie to do one of two things. Either the movie will inspire me to really get neck deep in Green Lantern lore, or it will solidify my disinterest and wow me with green-splosions.

Any Green Lantern lovers out there who would like to explain the excitement behind a guy with a ring? 

Mr. Popper's Penguins 
Don't Care

#whathappenedtojimcarrey (OOPS) Next...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II
July 15, 2011

We simply can't wait for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II !! The movie will most definitely escalate into the intense showdown between Harry and Voldemort, wreaking havoc and destruction to Hogwarts in their wake. 

Captain America: The First Avenger
July 22, 2011

I am personally excited about Captain America: The First Avenger because of the time period with which the movie is based in. It really worked in X-Men: First Class, and from what I have seen from the artistic direction and cinematography in the trailer, it will take me 3+ views before my brain pays any attention to the story and not the "pur-di-ness."  
Also another not so mainstream movie

Summer 2011

This movie is particularly interesting to see how awesome Director, Writer, and Actor, Evan Glodell is at doing what he does….(everything) --- It has flame-balls and rad vintage cars, do you really need to know anything else? 

ANY MOVIES WE MISSED? Let us know in the comments! 

Blip: The Video Games Magazine June, 1983

Lets just hope that they don't try to make more additions to the video game graveyard out of these titles.  

To quote my favorite source (comic longbox) for all things "current" --- My issue of Marvel's failed magazine, Blip: The Video Games Magazine June, 1983 issue goes into prophetic-realism-mode when they said: 
"What did E.T. and TRON prove? Maybe that the only thing a movie tie-in has going for it is its title. That might account for some sales. But in the end, the game will sell---or not sell--- on its own merits." 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


We have devised a rating system of sorts that is simple yet profound. Instead of rating things on a scale of stars... (how the heck did stars gain such rating clout?) we decided that we would base our ratings on something that has meaning, something that both brings fear and excites.

The ever elusive 5 WEREWOLF UNICORNS!

Werewolf Unicorns are probably the rarest mix of beauty, strength, unbridled fantasy, rage, tenderness, matted hair, and misty nature scenes. Therefore, we find the Werewolf Unicorn to be a finer icon with which we hope to usurp the dull and overused 5 pointed star.

For any of our future reviews, posts, and videos we will use this beautiful beastly rating system. In fact I am going to rate this post right now.

(Not even our own amazing post warranted a full 5 WEREWOLF UNICORNS! rating.)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Free Comics to the Rescue!

Image courtesy of

Have you ever wanted to read a comic book but didn't want to shell out money to do so? Perfect! --- We found a great place to peruse some vintage comics for free, via Marvel's Digital Comics reader.

FREE COMIC MONDAYS via Marvel Digital Comics
(Click on the comic hyperlink which will send you to the reader. Just click the "Read it Online" and the reader will open in a new fullscreen browser window.)

This weeks free reading list:

This reader is actually an awesome way to read comics digitally since it pans around on the page to individual comic frames within the page to make the reading experience (especially in full screen) a much more pleasant one.

If you haven't ever been a comic fan, now's a great time to see for yourself what it's all about. We will look forward to more free comics coming our way from Marvel every Monday!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

X-Men: First Class - In-depth Movie Review (Spoiler Alert!)

Hey, we are Crunchpop... Two guys who like to talk about nerd stuff with other nerdological people.

We hope to create a forum for discussion on things that range from cereal to comics, and wine to root beer. We are shooting for having weekly episodes, so please subscribe to our YouTube channel HERE.

In this episode we are primarily talking about X-Men: First Class where we go into some detail about the plot, so don't say you weren't warned about a possible "spoiler alert!!!"!!!!!!!!!

If you have a different take on the movie, let us know in the comments!